Publication | Report/Paper

IFES Releases Briefing Paper on Post-Mubarak Egypt

Since protesters began to fill Cairo’s Tahrir Square in late January demanding sweeping political changes and the start of a truly democratic era, Egypt has seen a series of momentous developments. These include Mubarak’s departure from the presidency, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF)’s take-over,  the suspension of the Constitution, the dissolution of the People’s Assembly and the Shura Council, and a constitutional referendum.

In this second briefing paper, IFES provides a thorough overview and analysis of the measures that have been taken since Mubarak stepped down and the issues that still need to be addressed before the forthcoming elections. The briefing paper highlights important points to consider such as the status of the quota for women in parliament, how complaints adjudication—which is crucial for an elections process that is valid and acceptable to its citizens—will be handled, and what the process will be for political party registration.

IFES issued its first briefing paper on Egypt in early February. It presented the key challenges for credible and competitive elections in Egypt.