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Election Material
Election and Political Party Law
Electoral Code - Togo 1905
Electoral Code - Togo 1905
Election Material
Benin Presidential Ballot First Round 2001
First round Presidential Ballot from the March 2001 elections in Benin. The President is elected by popular vote to serve a 5-year term. The main canidates in the first round were Mathieu KEREKOU, Bruni AMOUSSOU, Nicephore SOGLO, and Adrieu HOUNGBEDJI.
Election Material
Election and Political Party Law
Electoral Code - Togo 2000
Electoral Code - Togo 2000
Election Material
Benin Legislative Ballot 1999
Thirty five parties contested the 1999 Legislative Elections in Benin in a closed-list proportional representation system. They competed for 83 seats in the unicameral National Assembly to serve 4-year terms.
Election Material
Benin Legislative Election Party Flyers 1995 #9
Two party flyers from the 28 March 1995 legislative elections in Benin. Parties represented include the Union pour la Liberte et le Developpement (ULD) and the Alliance MSUP-UDRN.
Election Material
Benin Legislative Election Party Flyers 1995 #5
Three party flyers from the 28 March 1995 legislative elections. Parties represented include the Alliance UDES-RDD Nassara, FURD-LDD, and the Notre Cause Commune.
Election Material
Benin Legislative Election Party Flyers 1995 #3
A series of three party flyers from the 28 March 1995 Benin Legislative elections. Parties represented in these flyers are the Union pour la Democratie et la Solidarite Nationale (UDS), FARD-ALAFIA, and the Rassemblement pour le Democratie et le Panafricanisme (RDP).
Election Material
Benin Legislative Election Party Flyers 1995 #4
A series of three flyers for political parties and alliances participating in the 28 March 1995 Legislative elections in Benin. Parties and alliances represented are the RDL Vivoten, Alliance "RNPJ-PS," and the Alliance Cameleon.
Election Material
Benin Legislative Election Party Flyers 1995 #1
A series of three campaign flyers for the legislative elections held in Benin on 28 March 1995. The flyers show the Union Nationale pour la Democratie et le Progres (UNDP), the Rassemblement National pour la Democratie (RND), and the Front D'Action pour le Renouveau, la Democratie et le Developpement (FARD-ALAFIA).
Election Material
Benin Legislative Election Party Flyers 1995 #8
Three party flyers from the 28 March 1995 legislative elections in Benin. Parties represented are the Union de Democratique des Forces du Progres (UDFP), Notre Cause Commune (NCC), and the Liste pour une Republique Democratique Independante et Moderne (RDIM).