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Encouraging Women to Vote in Côte d'Ivoire
On October 16, 2015, N'Gboado, a local civil society organization partnering with the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), created and performed a theater play in Yopougon, a commune of Abidjan where post-election violence broke out in 2010.
News & Updates
Post-Election Q&A: Côte d’Ivoire’s 2015 Presidential Elections
In this post-election Q&A, IFES Côte d’Ivoire Chief of Party Sophie Lagueny discusses the importance of the 2015 elections for Côte d’Ivoire, IFES’ activities in the country in the lead up to the vote and the post-election atmosphere.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
L'utilisation du bulletin unique et l'esprit du scrutin a la proportionnelle!
“L’Utilisation du bulletin unique et l’esprit du scrutin a la proportionnelle!” is a booklet from 2001, available in French, which teaches readers how to vote in the March 2011 Municipal Elections in the Ivory Coast using the single ballot. The document, published with the help of GERDDES and the European Union, includes a mock ballot, instructions on what to bring to the polling station, and a brief overview of how members will be elected to the Municipal Council via proportional representation.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Savoir utiliser le bulletin unique!
“Savoir utiliser le bulletin unique!” is a flyer, available in French, which explains to citizens of the Ivory Coast how to vote in the upcoming December 2000 Legislative Elections. The document, published in 2000 with the help of IFES, has a mock single ballot to help readers understand the process of unique vote. Information about the National Assembly and why voting is important is also provided.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Guide des Representants des Partis Politiques
“Guide des Représentants des Partis Politiques” is a pamphlet from 2000, available in French, which serves as an informational guide for the political party representatives that will observe the running of the October 2000 Presidential Election in the Ivory Coast. The document, published with the help of the National Democratic Institute, details what the representatives should look for and what their responsibilities are. The pamphlet also contains various tables to fill with notes and observations.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Le Droit et le devoir de choisir
“Le Droit et le Devoir de Choisir” is a booklet from 2000, available in French, which stresses to citizens the importance of voting in the October 2000 Presidential Election in the Ivory Coast. The document, published with the help of IFES, also provides information on how to vote using the single ballot.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
L'Election du President de la Republique en Cote d'Ivoire
“L’Election du Président de la République en Cote D’Ivoire” is a pamphlet available in French, published by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, which describes various rules and regulations concerning the October 2000 Presidential Election in the Ivory Coast. The document, published in September 2000, informs readers of the necessary qualifications for candidates seeking to run in the election, what the voting process should be on the day of the election, and how results should be announced.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Referendum 2000
“Referendum 2000” is a booklet from 2000, available in French, which provides information to voters in the Ivory Coast on how and why they should vote in the upcoming referendum on July 23, 2000. The document, published with the help of IFES, contains the actual referendum question and details on its implication as well as brief instructions on how to use the single ballot to vote.
Poll worker Training Support and Observation Mission, December 29, 1996, Partial Elections, Trip Report January 1997
This report summarizes IFES’ efforts and results concerning the training of poll workers in the Ivory Coast. The report is specific to the partial legislative and municipal elections held in late December, 1996. The report details the 3 separate training sessions that took place throughout the Ivory Coast and is specific to poll workers chosen by an Ivorian NGO.
December 31, 1996
Election Material
Civic Education Material
…Et si on essayait la Democratie?
“…Et si on essayait la démocratie?” is a comics trip created by GERDDES, available in French, which focuses on democracy in the Ivory Coast. The document, published in 1996, tells the story of a king that decided to make a pact of democracy with his people and at the time of elections, he acts to ensure fairness and the rule of law.