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Guinea: Support Political and Electoral Processes
Guinea held a legislative election on September 28, 2013, after six years of delays attributable to a variety of factors, including a military coup d’état. This election, despite being preceded by a series of violent demonstrations, was conducted peacefully, and was widely considered a positive step in Guinea’s democratic transition. Challenges persist, however, that must be addressed prior to the presidential election that is currently scheduled to take place in 2015. The Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) continues to struggle to demonstrate the institutional and operational capacity necessary to administer elections in a credible and transparent manner and the promotion of electoral reform is further inhibited by a generally weak understanding among citizens of democratic principles, electoral processes, and decentralization.
January 28, 2015
Réflexion sur le système judiciaire de la République de Guinée à travers la Cour Suprême
La justice a un rôle important à jouer dans toute société qui veut construire la démocratie afin d’améliorer les conditions de vie et de travail de ses citoyens et sauvegarder leurs droits reconnus par la constitution et les conventions internationales ratifiées par la République de Guinée.
March 30, 2010
Réflexions visant l’amélioration du cadre d’organisation et de fonctionnement de l’Assemblée Nationale de la République de Guinée
La République de Guinée, depuis décembre 1990 a pris option pour un mode d’organisation de sa société, fondé sur le libéralisme économique et politique. Le régime politique qui a été mis en place en Guinée dans le cadre de la Loi Fondamentale du 23 décembre 1990, renforcé par la Loi Constitutionnelle du 11 novembre 2001, est celui présidentiel avec une large prépondérance du Président de la République, Chef de l’Exécutif.
March 30, 2010
Media, Elections and Political Violence in Eastern Africa: Towards a Comparative Framework
A comparative report on post-election violence in Eastern Africa has been released by the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy at the University of Oxford, the Center for Global Communications Studies at the Annenberg School, University of Pennsylvania, and the Stanhope Centre for Communications Policy Research.
December 02, 2009
Ethiopia: Implications of the May 2005 Elections for Future Democratization Programs
May 15, 2005 elections presented the Ethiopian people a remarkable opportunity to express their political views by participating in a poll that offered them a meaningful choice. In contrast to earlier elections in 1995 and 2000, opposition parties did not boycott but rather competed vigorously across the country. Opposition party mistrust of the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE), reports of intimidation and violence, and highly polarizing rhetoric raised concerns during the pre-election period but did not deter opposition parties from campaigning in nearly every constituency.
July 31, 2005
Ethiopia Pre-Election Assessment Report
Ethiopia Pre-Election Assessment Report - July 2004
June 30, 2004
Guinea: Technical Assistance to the 2000 Elections, IFES Final Report
This report summarizes IFES on-site technical assistance provided in Guinea. The report details IFES efforts with various political parties, civil society and the international community. The report is specific to Guinea’s June 25, 2000 municipal elections.
October 31, 2000
Guinea Presidential Elections, December 14, 1998
This report summarizes IFES findings from Guinea in December 1997. The purpose of the document is to report on IFES assessments concerning the legal framework for presidential elections and propose recommendations for before, during and after the elections
December 13, 1998
Guinea Pre-Election Technical Assessment, December 7-21 1997
This report summarizes IFES efforts in Guinea towards establishing a legal framework for the 1998 presidential elections.
April 30, 1998
Guinea Ecuatorial: Informe de Evaluacion de IFES, Noviembre de 1997
October 31, 1997