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IFES Launches 2017 Photo Contest



The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) 2017 Photography Contest showcases photos of elections and democracy from around the world. We encourage submissions of photographs of marginalized groups such as persons with disabilities, women, youth, and ethnic and religious minorities, among others. While democracy promotion is a subjective theme, photos that capture the essence of IFES’ core areas – Electoral Integrity, Participation and Inclusion, Accountability, and Women's Empowerment – are highly favored.

Photographs will be evaluated for technical merit and relevance to the central and subjective themes by a panel of experienced photographers and subject matter experts.

The winner of the grand prize for the main contest theme will receive $500 (USD).

Previous competitions have drawn photos from professional photographers and talented amateurs from around the world. Outstanding entries are exhibited at IFES’ Washington, D.C. headquarters, displayed online at and used in IFES publications such as the annual democracy-themed wall calendar.

See below for contest details, rules and the submission form. The deadline for submissions is June 5, 2017.

For samples of previous contest winners and submissions, visit IFES’ Flickr page here.

If you have questions or comments, please email [email protected].


Read IFES’ 2017 Photography Contest Rules