Risks to Community Cohesion between Ukrainian Refugees and Host Communities in Central Europe

Citations: Chapter 2 Vulnerabilities to Exploitation and Discrimination

Citations: 47-329



Ministry of Interior (2023). Dočasná ochrana, accessed 23 March 2023.cil Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/382, 4 March 2022


European Commission (2022). Poland: parliament adopts law on assistance to Ukrainian refugees


Government of Romania (2022). DECISION no. 367 of March 18, 2022, regarding the establishment of conditions for ensuring temporary protection, as well as for the modification and completion of some normative acts in the field of foreigners, accessed 20 March 2023.


European Commission (2022). Slovakia adopts package of legislative changes to facilitate integration of those fleeing Ukraine


European Union (2022). Council Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/382, 4 March 2022


Prior to this, Moldova offered refugees from Ukraine a form of temporary protection similar to that of TP, but issued through Moldova’s National Commission on Exceptional Situations. Since this fell under state of emergency legislation, the entry rights and refugee protection were valid only for a renewable 60-day period of a state of emergency. While the repeated extensions were welcome, this system brought about more uncertainty than TP status.


Government of Romania (2022). Arrival in Romania, accessed 20 March 2023; Ministry of Interior (2023). Dočasná ochrana, accessed 23 March 2023; European Commission (2022). Poland: parliament adopts law on assistance to Ukrainian refugees; European Commission (2022). Poland: parliament adopts law on assistance to Ukrainian refugees


Government of Romania (2022). Arrival in Romania, accessed 20 March 2023.



European Union (2022). Council Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/382, 4 March 2022



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Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs, and Family (2023). Useful information for citizens of Ukraine, accessed 21 March 2023.


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Government of Republic of Poland (2022). Amendment to the law on assistance to Ukrainian citizens in connection with the armed conflict on the territory of the country


European Union Agency for Asylum (2022). Information on temporary protection in Romania


UNHCR (2022). Help Slovakia: Temporary Protection accessed 21 March 2023.


UNHCR (2023). Operational Data Portal, accessed 28 March 2023.


Government of Romania (2023). Romania’s Response to the Ukrainian refugee crisis


UNHCR (2023). Protection Risks and Needs of Refugees from Ukraine, accessed 13 April 2023.


The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (2022). Temporary protection in Poland – what solutions for vulnerable groups?


Guardian (2022). Slovaks hail boy, aged 11, who travelled 700 miles alone from Ukraine



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European Union (2021), Briefing – Vulnerability of unaccompanied or separated child migrants


Ministry of Interior (2023). Dočasná ochrana, accessed 23 March 2023.


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IOM (2022). Assistance to people fleeing the war in Ukraine: IOM Slovakia


UNHCR REACH (2022). Multi-sector needs assessment Poland


UNHCR (2022). Slovakia: protection brief – May-October 2022World Health Organization (2023); Enabling support for Ukrainians with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova, accessed 23 March 2023.


Bratislava research workshop 7–8 March 2023.


Government of Romania (2022). Apply for temporary protection, accessed 29 March 2023.



Ministry of Interior (2023). Dočasná ochrana, accessed 23 March 2023.


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HIAS, VOICE (2022). Ukraine Assessment Report - Waiting for the Sky to Close: The Unprecedented Crisis Facing Women and Girls Fleeing Ukraine, accessed 29 March 2023; Chisinau research workshop 1 March 2023.


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91 Either (1) having been a stateless person recognised as living within Ukraine before 24 February 2022, (2) a refugee or TCN reliant on protection from the Ukrainian government before 24 February 2022, or (3) a family member or relative of a displaced Ukrainian national.


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Bucharest focus groups workshop, 15–16 February 2023.



Stiri, M.D. (2022). Refugiaților LGBT+ din Ucraina li se va acorda ajutor în Moldova, accessed 23 March 2023.


HIAS, VOICE (2022). Ukraine Assessment Report - Waiting for the Sky to Close: The Unprecedented Crisis Facing Women and Girls Fleeing Ukraine, accessed 29 March 2023.


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Mirga-Wójtowicz, E., Talewicz, J., and Kolaczek, M., UNHCR (2022). Human rights, needs and discrimination – the situation of Roma refugees from Ukraine in Poland) 


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This includes access to general and emergency healthcare, prescriptions, infectious disease prevention measures, COVID-19 vaccinations for adults, and standard preventative vaccinations for children.


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UNHCR REACH (2022). Multi-sector needs assessment Romania December 2022


UNHCR REACH (2022). Multi-sector needs assessment Poland


UNHCR REACH (2022). Multi-sector needs assessment Poland


Prague research workshop 1–2 February 2023.


ReliefWeb (2022). WHO promotes action on urgent mental health needs of Ukrainian refugees


UNHCR (2023). Regional Refugee Response Plan January – December 2023


Prague research workshops 1–2 February 2023; Warsaw research workshop 9 February 2023.


UNHCR (2022). Refugees from Ukraine in Poland Regional Profiling Update November 2022


UNHCR REACH (2022). Poland: multi-sector needs assessment 2022 refugees from Ukraine



PAQ Research (2022). Hlas Ukrajinců: Duševní zdraví uprchlíků, accessed 20 November 2022


UNHCR REACH (2023). Slovakia: area based assessment (Bratislava, Kosice, Nitra and Zilina) - February 2023


UNHCR (2022). Ensuring the protection of persons with disabilities fleeing from Ukraine


The Commissioner for Human Rights Poland (2022). Problems of refugees from Ukraine with obtaining disability certificates; Warsaw research workshop 9 February 2023.


Zakony Pro Lidi (2022). Act No. 108/2006 Coll., Social Services Act, accessed 27 March 2023.


The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration (2023). Amendment to the Act on Assistance to Citizens of Ukraine signed by the President, 25 January 2023


World Health Organisation (2022). Health of refugees from Ukraine in Poland 2022: survey findings


Warsaw workshop 9 February 2023.


UNHCR REACH (2022). Multi-sector needs assessment Poland


Bucharest focus groups workshop 15–16 February 2023.


Help to Help Ukraine (2023). Access to healthcare for Ukrainian refugees in Romania


PAQ Research, Hlas Ukrajinců: Zdraví a služby, accessed 26 November 2022.


UNHCR (2022). Regional Ukraine Refugee Response: Gender-Based Violence Sub-Working Group


Centre for Reproductive Rights (2020). European abortion laws, a comparative overview


Warsaw workshop 9 February 2023.


CARE/SERA | The Federation of NGOs for Child Protection | The Federation of Social Services | Plan International (2022). Rapid Gender Analysis Brief Ukrainian Refugees in Romania


World Health Organisation (2023). Understanding the obstacles faced by Ukrainian refugees in Romania


UNHCR. Protection Risks and Needs of Refugees from Ukraine, accessed 13 April 2023.


International Organisation for Migration (2022). Ukraine response – Romania evolution of needs report


Bratislava research workshop 7–8 March 2023.


UNHCR (2022). Protection Profiling Romania – September 2022


OECD (2022). Housing support for Ukrainian refugees in receiving countries


UNHCR (2023). Moldova Refugee Accommodation Centre (RAC) Weekly Needs Monitoring; Update as of 27.12.2022 [EN/RO], accessed 27 March 2023.


See Act No. 65/2022 Coll., Act on Certain Measures in Connection with the Armed Conflict on the Territory of Ukraine Caused by the Invasion of the Russian Federation Troops for more details; also, Česká justice (2022). Vnitro chce prodloužit dočasnou ochranu Ukrajinců, změkčí se podmínky pro lékaře, 2 November 2022, accessed 12 January 2023; and OECD (2022). Rights and Support for Ukrainian Refugees in Receiving Countries, accessed 12 January 2023.


The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration (2023). Amendment to the Act on Assistance to Citizens of Ukraine signed by the President, 25 January 2023


UNHCR (2022). Operational Data Portal, accessed 23 September 2023.


OECD (2022). Housing support for Ukrainian refugees in receiving countries


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UNHCR (2023). Regional Refugee Response Plan January – December 2023


UNHCR (2023). Ukraine Situation Regional Refugee Response Plan (January-December 2023)


Government of Romania (2023). Romania’s Response to the Ukrainian refugee crisis


UNHCR (2023). Regional Refugee Response Plan January – December 2023


Telewizja Polska (2019), Poland lacks over 2 million flats: report


Warsaw workshop 9 February 2023.


UNHCR (2023). Ukraine Situation Regional Refugee Response Plan (January-December 2023)


World Health Organization (2023) Enabling support for Ukrainians with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova, accessed 23 March 2023.


UNHCR (2023). Moldova Refugee Accommodation Centre (RAC) Weekly Needs Monitoring; Update as of 27.12.2022 [EN/RO], accessed 27 March 2023.


UNHCR (2023). Moldova Refugee Accommodation Centre (RAC) Weekly Needs Monitoring; Update as of 27.12.2022 [EN/RO], accessed 27 March 2023.


UNHCR (2023). Ukraine Situation Regional Refugee Response Plan (January-December 2023)


Prague research workshop 1–2 February 2023.


Prague research workshop 1–2 February 2023.


Bratislava research workshop 7–8 March 2023.


Mirga-Wójtowicz, E., Talewicz, J., and Kolaczek, M., UNHCR (2022). Human rights, needs and discrimination – the situation of Roma refugees from Ukraine in Poland


Mirga-Wójtowicz, E., Talewicz, J., and Kolaczek, M., UNHCR (2022). Human rights, needs and discrimination – the situation of Roma refugees from Ukraine in Poland


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VOICE and HAIS (2022). Slovakia Assessment Report - Waiting for the Sky to Close: The Unprecedented Crisis Facing Women and Girls Fleeing Ukraine


VOICE and HAIS (2022). Slovakia Assessment Report - Waiting for the Sky to Close: The Unprecedented Crisis Facing Women and Girls Fleeing Ukraine


UNHCR REACH (2022). Slovakia multi-sectoral needs assessment 2022


Bratislava research workshop 7–8 March 2023.


Bucharest focus groups workshop, 15–16 February 2023.


UNHCR (2022). Rapid survey of the 50-20 programme – UNHCR Romania thematic report


Bucharest focus groups workshop, 15–16 February 2023.


UNHCR (2022). Displacement patterns, protection risks and needs of refugees from Ukraine – regional protection analysis 1 For example, according to the Protection Profiling in Poland, since the invasion of February 2022, the majority of respondents (80 percent) have been separated from their immediate family members. UNHCR (2022). Refugees from Ukraine in Poland Regional Profiling Update October 2022


Warsaw research workshop 9 February 2023; Bratislava research workshop 7–8 March 2023; Chisinau research workshop 1 March 2023.


IOM (2022). Ukraine Response 2022 - Poland: Needs Assessment Analysis Dashboard 17 June-26 September


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UNHCR REACH (2022). Multi-sector needs assessment shelter Poland


Relief Web (2023). Poland: Amendments to Ukrainian refugee hosting laws showcase the need for continued humanitarian support


195 Panayotatos, D., and Cone, D. (2022). Preparing for the unpredictable: ensuring the protection and inclusion of refugees from Ukraine in Romania and Moldova


UNHCR REACH (2022). Slovakia multi-sectoral needs assessment 2022


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Bratislava research workshop 7-8 March 2023.


Chisinau research workshop 1 March 2023.


PWC (2023). Worldwide Tax Summaries: Moldova, accessed 31 March 2023.


Chisinau research workshops 1 March 2023.


Bratislava research workshop 7–8 March 2023.


IOM (2023). Migration Information Centre, accessed 13 April 2023.


Global Property Guide (2019) Income tax in Moldova, accessed 30 March 2023.


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PAQ Research (2023). Hlas Ukrajinců: Vzdělávání, accessed 28 March 2023.


For example, it is estimated that 3 percent to 5 percent of primary school pupils and roughly 10 percent of teenagers may be excluded from education because of the insufficient capacity of Czech schools. PAQ Research (2023). Hlas Ukrajinců: Vzdělávání, accessed 28 March 2023.


UNHCR (2023). Moldova 2022: Participatory Assessment, accessed 23 March 2023; UNHCR REACH (2022). Slovakia multi sectoral needs assessment October 2022; UNHCR (2023). Slovakia: regional refugee response plan 2023; UNHCR REACH (2023). Multi-Sectoral Needs Assessment Poland, accessed 24 March 2023; Kafembe, I., UNICEF (2022). Using innovation in Romania to get Ukrainian children learning again; UNHCR, Protection Risks and Needs of Refugees from Ukraine, accessed 13 April 2023; REACH UNHCR (2022). Multi-Sector Needs Assessment: Key Findings, accessed 30 March 2023.


Bucharest research workshop 15–16 February 2023.


Public Information Bulletin of the Commissioner for Human Rights, (2022). Problems of education of children and youth from Ukraine - recommendations of the Ombudsman. The answer of MEi


UNHCR (2023). Slovakia: regional refugee response plan 2023


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Public Information Bulletin of the Commissioner for Human Rights (2022). Problems of education of children and youth from Ukraine - recommendations of the Ombudsman. The answer of MEiNGromada, A., and Richardson, D., UNICEF (2021). Where do rich countries stand on childcare?PAQ Research (2023). Hlas Ukrajinců: Vzdělávání, accessed 28 March 2023; United Nations Development Fund (2020). INEQUALITIES IN URBAN AND RURAL MOLDOVA: Beyond incomes and averages, looking into the future of inequalities, page 45, accessed 31 March 2023.


PAQ Research (2023). Hlas Ukrajinců: Vzdělávání, accessed 28 March 2023.


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PAQ Research (2023). Hlas Ukrajinců: Vzdělávání, accessed 28 March 2023.


PAQ Research (2023). Hlas Ukrajinců: Vzdělávání, accessed 28 March 2023.


PAQ Research (2023). Hlas Ukrajinců: Vzdělávání, accessed 28 March 2023.


European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (2023). Fleeing Ukraine: Displaced People’s Experiences in The EU, accessed 5 April 2023.


Centre for Educational Analysis (2023). Inclusion of male and female pupils from Ukraine in education. Qualitative survey of nine Bratislava schools, accessed 4 April 2023.


European Commission (2022). Slovakia: challenges in the education of refugee children from Ukraine, accessed 26 March 2023.


223 Save the Children Romania (2022). Save the Children Romania education survey


Bucharest research workshop 15–16 February 2023.


Bucharest research workshop 15–16 February 2023.


UNHCR, REACH (2023). Multi-Sectoral Needs Assessment Poland, accessed 24 March 2023.


Warsaw research workshop 9 February 2023.


 Bratislava research workshop 7–8 March 2023.


Bratislava research workshop 7–8 March 2023.

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231 Bratislava research workshop 7–8 March 2023.

232 Bratislava research workshop 7–8 March 2023.

233 European Commission (2021), Education and Training Monitor 2021, Slovakia, accessed 12 April 2023.

234 See, for example, UNHCR REACH (2022). Slovakia multi sectoral needs assessment October 2022, accessed 13 April 2023.

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Slovakia multi-sectoral needs assessment 2022

263 Deloitte (2022). Refugees from Ukraine in Poland: challenges and potential for integration

264 Public Information Bulletin of the Commissioner for Human Rights (2022). Problems of education of children and youth from Ukraine - recommendations of the Ombudsman. The answer of MEiN; Gromada, A., and Richardson, D., UNICEF (2021). Where do rich countries stand on childcare?; PAQ Research (2023). Hlas Ukrajinců: Vzdělávání, accessed 28 March 2023.

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270 European Commission (2023). Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion, accessed 12 April 2023.

271 Mareena & Human Rights League, State contribution: Financial support for migrants and refugees in Slovakia, accessed 11 April 2023.

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273 OECD (2023). What we know about the skills and early labour market outcomes of refugees from Ukraine

274 Chisinau research workshop 1 March 2023.

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276 Warsaw research workshop 9 February 2023, Prague research workshop 1–2 February 2023.

277 Pędziwiatr, K., Brzozowski, J., and Nahorniuk, O., (2022). Multiculturalism and Migration Observatory, Refugees from Ukraine in Kraków

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282 Spiegel International (2022). Ukrainian Refugees Report Cases of Exploitation in Europe, accessed 5 April 2023.

283 Bratislava research workshop 7–8 March 2023.

284 European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (2023). Fleeing Ukraine: Displaced People’s Experiences in The EU, accessed 5 April 2023.

285 PAQ Research (2022), Hlas Ukrajinců: Chudoba, accessed 25 November 2022.

286 UNHCR (2022). Multi-Sector Needs Assessment Romania - Key preliminary findings, November 2022

287 Bucharest research workshop 15–16 February 2023.

288 European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (2023). Fleeing Ukraine: Displaced People’s Experiences in The EU, accessed 5 April 2023.

288 UNHCR REACH (2023). Area-Based Assessment, Slovakia, accessed 6 April 2023; European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (2023). Fleeing Ukraine: Displaced People’s Experiences in The EU, accessed 5 April 2023; and UNHCR. Protection Risks and Needs of Refugees from Ukraine, accessed 13 April 2023.

289 European Commission (2021). Labour market information: Romania

290 UNHCR REACH (2022). UNHCR Romania: Situation Overview in Constanta, Area-Based Assessment (As of July- August 2022)

291 Bucharest research workshop 15–16 February 2023.

292 UNHCR REACH (2022). UNHCR Romania: Situation Overview in Constanta, Area-Based Assessment (As of July- August 2022)

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295 Chemonics International (2023) Turning Moldova’s Brain Drain into Brain Gain, accessed 25 March 2023.

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297 Bucharest research workshop 15–16 February 2023.

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300 European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (2023). Fleeing Ukraine: Displaced People’s Experiences in The EU, accessed 11 April 2023; for other surveys, see PAQ Research (2022). Hlas Ukrajinců: Duševní zdraví uprchlíků, accessed 20 November 2022.

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302 Bucharest research workshop 15–16 February 2023.

303 Warsaw research workshop 9 February 2023.

304 European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (2023). Fleeing Ukraine: Displaced People’s Experiences in The EU, accessed 11 April 2023.

305 de Vetten-Mc Mahon, M., Shields-Zeeman, L.S., Petrea, I., et al. (2019). Assessing the need for a mental health services reform in Moldova: a situation analysis. Int J Ment Health Syst 13, 45; Romaniuk, P., Semigina, T. Ukrainian health care system and its chances for successful transition from Soviet legacies. Global Health. 2018 Nov 23;14(1):116. Doi: 10.1186/s12992-018-0439-5.

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306 Relief Web (2022). Supporting Mental Health as Ukrainian Refugees Navigate Life in Slovakia, accessed 12 April 2023.

307 Warsaw research workshop 9 February 2023.

308 UNHCR (2022). Displacement patterns, protection risks and needs of refugees from Ukraine – regional protection analysis

309 Bucharest research workshop 15–16 February 2023.

310 Bratislava research workshop 7–8 March 2023.

311 Bratislava research workshop 7–8 March 2023.

312 The Slovak Spectator (2023). The silent toll of the war in Ukraine is on minds, accessed 4 April 2023; UNHCR REACH (2023).

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313 European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (2023). Fleeing Ukraine: Displaced People’s Experiences in The EU, accessed 12 April 2023.

314 Reid, G. (2021). Poland breaches EU obligations over LGBT and women’s rights, Human Rights Watch 2021.

315 Ash, L. (2020). Inside Poland’s LGBT-free zones, BBC News 2020.

316 Su, Y., Valiquette, T., Greatrick, A., Robinson, C., The New Humanitarian (2022). How LGBTQI+ to LGBTQI+ support is helping

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317 Reuters (2022). ‘Radicalised teenager’ killed two outside Slovakia gay bar, accessed 12 April 2023.

318 VOICE and HAIS (2022). Slovakia Assessment Report – Waiting for the Sky to Close: The Unprecedented Crisis Facing Women and Girls Fleeing Ukraine, accessed 12 April 2023.

319 European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (2023). Fleeing Ukraine: Displaced People’s Experiences in The EU, accessed 12 April 2023.

320 European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (2023). Fleeing Ukraine: Displaced People’s Experiences in The EU, accessed 12 April 2023.

321 Bratislava research workshop 7–8 March 2023.

322 OHCHR (2022). Ukraine: 2.7 million people with disabilities at risk, UN committee warns, accessed 26 March 2023.

323 Amnesty International (2022). Poland: “We came here, they wouldn’t let us in.” Roma from Ukraine treated as unwanted refugees

324 Mirga-Wójtowicz, E., Talewicz, J., and Kolaczek, M., UNHCR (2022). Human rights, needs and discrimination – the situation of Roma refugees from Ukraine in Poland

325 PAQ Research (2022). Hlas Ukrajinců: Šetření o romských ukrajinských uprchlících, accessed 15 December 2022.

326 GLOBSEC (2023). Ukrainian refugees in Visegrad countries: Societal Attitudes and Challenges of Accommodating People Fleeing the War, accessed 11 April 2023; GLOBSEC (2022). New report shows that the V4 population supports Ukrainian refugees with some reservations, accessed 22 March 2023; Slovak Academy of Science, GLOBSEC (2022). New poll: Slovaks want Ukraine to win the war, Not Russia, accessed 22 March 2023.

327 Chisinau research workshop 2 March 2023.

328 Broadcasting Board of Governors (2016). Role of Russian Media in the Baltics and Moldova, accessed 28 March 2023.

329 Gagauzyeri.com (2023). Подробно об итогах соцопроса в Гагаузии, accessed 28 March 2023.