Risks to Community Cohesion between Ukrainian Refugees and Host Communities in Central Europe

Citations: Chapter 3 Misleading or Incendiary Discourses About Ukrainian Refugees

Citations 331-432

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365 STEM (2021). Jedna-společnost-–-různé-světy, accessed 17 January 2023.

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370 Chisinau research workshop 2 March 2023.

371 See, for example, IONEL SCLAVONE, evz.ro (2023). Diana Șoșoacă, scenariu conspiraționist despre viitorul României: „Există o facţiune ce porneşte din Iaşi”, accessed 23 March 2023.

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402 Cosoi, P. (2022). VIDEO Refugiați ucraineni „OBRAZNICI”! Ion Ceban: Ne putem trezi cu furturi, tâlhării, abuzuri și vandalism, accessed 29 March 2023.

403 Zacharias, L. (2022). Un moderator de petreceri din Chișinău publică video-uri cu mesaje false despre refugiații ucraineni, accessed 29 March 2023.

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407 Tymińska, A. (2022). Granice nienawiści. Mowa nienawiści w kontekście kryzysów humanitarnych na granicy polskiej (2021/2022), Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka.

408 International Republican Institute (2023). Hostile Narrative Brief War In Ukraine, page 91, accessed 29 March 2023.

409 GLOBSEC (2022). GLOBSEC Trends 2022: Slovakia, accessed 28 March 2023.

410 GLOBSEC (2022). GLOBSEC Trends 2022: CEE amid the war in Ukraine, accessed 11 April 2023.

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415 Hargrave, K., Homel, K.., and Dražanová, L. (2023). Public narratives and attitudes towards refugees and other migrants: Poland country profile

416 International Republican Institute (2023). Hostile narrative brief: war in Ukraine, a year of aggression

417 Warsaw research workshop 9 February 2023.

418 Warsaw research workshop 9 February 2023.

419 HlídacíPes.org (2023). Kremelské propagandě se v Česku loni nedařilo. Směřovat na východ chce jen pět procent lidí, accessed 18 March 2023.

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  1. Euractiv (2022). Resentment for Ukrainian refugees grows in central and eastern Europe, accessed 29 March 2023.
  2. Euractiv (2022). Resentment for Ukrainian refugees grows in central and eastern Europe, accessed 29 March 2023.
  3. Keryk, M.(2021), Praca, W. Polsce: naruszenie praw pracowniczych imigrantów z Ukrainy zatrudnionych w budownictwie i

sektorze usług

  1. Hargrave, K., Homel, K., and Dražanová, L. (2023). Public narratives and attitudes towards refugees and other migrants: Poland country profile
  2. Tymińska, A. (2022). Granice nienawiści. Mowa nienawiści w kontekście kryzysów humanitarnych na granicy polskiej (2021/2022), Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka, page 73

429 Warsaw research workshop 9 February 2023.

430 GLOBSEC (2022). GLOBSEC Trends 2022: CEE amid the war in Ukraine, accessed 11 April 2023.

431 European Digital Media Observatory (2022). Ukrainian refugees and disinformation: situation in Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania, accessed 11 April 2023.

432 GLOBSEC (2022). New report shows that the V4 population supports Ukrainian refugees with some reservations, accessed 22 March 2023. There has been debate about methodological approaches to polling conducted by GLOBSEC and the Slovak Academy of Science, such as the different scales given to participants to respond to questions (1–5 or 1–10) and how responses were collected (online and in-person), even when the question posed is the same. See GLOBSEC (2002). New poll: Slovaks want Ukraine to win the war, Not Russia, accessed 22 March 2023.