Risks to Community Cohesion between Ukrainian Refugees and Host Communities in Central Europe

Citations: Chapter 5 Programmatic Approach Recommendations

Citations 676-764

676 Saferworld (n.d.). Conflict Analysis, Chapter 2, accessed 28 March 2023; UN (2016). UN Conflict Analysis Practice Note, accessed 28 March 2023; World Bank (n.d.). Conflict Analysis, accessed 28 March 2023.

677 UN (2016). UN Conflict Analysis Practice Note, accessed 28 March 2023.

678 See also, as an example, Walter, J. (2023). Fact Check: How propaganda denigrates Ukrainian refugees, DW, accessed 28 March 2023.

679 Bunse, S. (2021). Social media: A tool for peace or conflict? accessed 28 March 2023.

680 Bunse, S. (2021). Social media: A tool for peace or conflict? accessed 28 March 2023.

681 Cecchi-Dimeglio, P. (2020). Why sharing good news matters, MIT Sloan Management Review, accessed 26 March 2023.

682 Duffy, A. and Ling, R. (2020). The Gift of News: Phatic News Sharing on Social Media for Social Cohesion, Journalism Studies, accessed 26 March 2023.

683 GLOBSEC (2023). Ukrainian refugees in Visegrad countries: Societal Attitudes and Challenges of Accommodating People Fleeing the War

684 Warsaw research workshop 9 February 2023.

685 Government Communication Service (2021). Resist 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit, accessed 28 March 2023.

686 Government Communication Service (2021). Resist 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit, accessed 28 March 2023.

687 Dempster, H., and Hargrave, K. (2017). Understanding public attitudes towards refugees and migrants. London: ODI.

688 Dempster, H., and Hargrave, K. (2017). Understanding public attitudes towards refugees and migrants. London: ODI

689 Feinberg, M., and Willer, R. (2015). From Gulf to Bridge: When Do Moral Arguments Facilitate Political Influence? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41(12), 1665–1681.

690 Brady, W., Gantman, A., and Van Bavel, J. (2020). Attentional capture helps explain why moral and emotional content go viral. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 149, 746-756. 3.

691 Petit, V., and Zalk, T. N. (2019). Everybody Wants to Belong; A Practical Guide to Tackling and Leveraging Social Norms in Behaviour Change Programming. UNICEF and PENN SoNG.

692 Fazio, L. K., Brashier, N. M., Payne, B. K., and Marsh, E. J. (2015). Knowledge does not protect against illusory truth. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 144(5), 993–1002.

693 Citizens’ Association “Why Not” (2019). Disinformation in the online sphere: The case of BiH, accessed 26 March 2023.

694 Ipsos (2018). Fake news, filter bubbles, post-truth and trust, accessed 26 March 2023.

695 RAN C&N Academy (2019, 19 December). Effective Narratives: Updating the GAMMMA+ model

696 Centre for European Policy Analysis (2021). Czech elves battle in the disinformation forest

697 Pettigrew, T. F., and Tropp, L. R. A meta-analytic test of intergroup contact theory. J Pers Soc Psychol, accessed 28 March 2023.

698 Prague research workshop 1–2 February 2023.

699 Bratislava research workshop 7–8 March 2023.

700 Nabors, et al. (2022). A University and Community-Based Partnership: After-School Mentoring Activities to Support Positive Mental Health for Children Who Are Refugees

701 OECD (2022). Disinformation and Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine: Threats and governance responses, accessed 31 March 2023.

702 Vosoughi, S., Roy, D., and Aral, S. (2018). The spread of true and false news online, Science, accessed 31 March 2023.

703 General guidelines for how to do so were also provided:

‘1. Avoid sensationalism: Avoid using inflammatory language or sensational headlines that can stigmatize refugees or perpetuate stereotypes.

      1. Use person-centered language: When reporting on refugees, refer to them as individuals rather than as a monolithic group. Use person-centered language that acknowledges their humanity and individual experiences.
      2. Provide context: Provide context for why refugees are fleeing their home countries and the challenges they face in their host countries. This can help readers understand the complexities of the issue and challenge any misconceptions or misconceptions.
      3. Interview refugees and stakeholders: Seek out perspectives from refugees themselves as well as experts and stakeholders in the field. This can help humanize the issue and provide more nuanced and accurate reporting.
      4. Highlight stories of resilience and hope: Highlight stories of refugees who have overcome challenges and made positive contributions to their host communities. This can help counter negative stereotypes and give a more balanced perspective of refugees’ experiences.

Remember that every person has inherent dignity and deserves to be treated with respect and compassion.’

704 Analysed in more detail under Sections 3.2 and 4.6.

705 CALP Network (2020). State of the World’s Cash 2020, accessed 17 April 2023.

706 SPACE (2020). Social Protection and Humanitarian Cash and Food Responses to COVID-19: Needs, Coverage, and Gaps, accessed 17 April 2023.

707 SPACE (2020). Social Protection and Humanitarian Cash and Food Responses to COVID-19: Needs, Coverage, and Gaps, accessed 17 April 2023.

708 International Alert (2020). Donbas: Taking stock of Peacebuilding, accessed 30 March 2023. Safer World (2019). Dip Beyond Box Ticking, accessed 30 March 2023.

709 Discussed in Section 4.3 of this report.

710 Channeling international support to health care through national systems can help to alleviate pressure on the social services system in a way that also mitigates tensions between host communities and refugees. In the Czech Republic, the international community is providing support for healthcare; the European Investment Bank is providing 200 million EUR to the Czech government. Similar on-budget support could be considered in different countries. Such an approach would be targeted at the systemic improvement of the healthcare system and could support an integrated approach that improves outcomes both for Ukrainian refugees and for host country citizens. European Investment Bank (6 February 2023). EIB and Czech Republic take steps to mitigate the impact of the Ukraine war, accessed 29 March 2023.

711 UNICEF (2023). UNICEF Refugee Response in the Czech Republic: Initial Results and Priorities, accessed 10 March 2023.

712 Ganczak, M., Kalinowsk,i P., Pasek, O., Duda-Duma, Ł., Sobieraj, E., Goławski, J., Biesiada, D., Jansen, D., Vervoort, J.P.M., Edelstein, M., Kowalska, M. (2022). Health System Barriers to Child Mandatory and Optional Vaccination among Ukrainian Migrants in Poland in the Context of MMR and HPV Vaccines-A Qualitative Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health.

713 OECD (2020). Social housing: A key part of past and future housing policy, Employment, Labour and Social Affairs policy briefs, accessed 26 March 2023.

714 International actors can support housing availability and system resilience by (1) providing funding dedicated to supporting national actors to coordinate; (2) channelling housing and rent support through the government housing allowance and subsidies systems (i.e., using mechanisms associated with linking cash and social protection and adapting them to the housing market); and (3) supporting and investing in new housing developments. All activities should take place in line with, and ideally directly through, existing government mechanisms to enhance housing infrastructure and access to housing. See OECD (2021). Housing Affordability in the Czech Republic: Chapter 2 Housing 2030 (2023). Slovak State Housing Policy; and Spirkova, D. (2018). Housing Policy in the Slovak Republic.

715 Warsaw research workshop 9 February 2023.

716 PepsiCo (2022). The story behind Pepsico’s school for displaced Ukrainian children, accessed 27 March 2023.

717 Habitat for Humanity (n.d.). Introducing Social Rental Agencies in Poland, accessed 27 March 2023.

718 Habitat for Humanity (n.d.). Introducing Social Rental Agencies in Poland, accessed 27 March 2023

719 REACH (2022). Romania: Multi-sectoral Needs Assessment 2022

720 International Alert (2020). Model on integrating conflict sensitivity and social stability into services provision, accessed 28 March 2023.

721 International Alert (2020). Model on integrating conflict sensitivity and social stability into services provision, accessed 28 March 2023.

722 International Alert (2020). Model on integrating conflict sensitivity and social stability into services provision, accessed 28 March 2023.

723 UNICEF and the Government of Moldova (2022). Education Rapid Needs Assessment: Moldova Inter-Agency Refugee Education Working Group.

724 UNICEF (2023). UNICEF launches six Spilno Hubs in five months to support Ukrainian refugees and integration of local communities, accessed 28 March 2023.

725 UNICEF Romania (n.d.). Blue Dot – providing critical support to refugees from Ukraine, accessed 3 April 2023.

726 Cramer, C., Goodhand, J., and Morris, R. (2016). Rapid Evidence Assessment for Conflict Prevention, accessed 28 March 2023.

727 International Alert (2019). Consolidating peace through inclusive access to livelihoods in Nepal, accessed 28 March 2023; International Alert (n.d.). Practice note 2: Integrating conflict analysis into peace-conducive economic development programming, accessed 28 March 2023.

728 Deutsche Welle (2023). Well integrated: Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic

729 Meraki Labs (2022). Gender Analysis of Programming in Jordan for Caritas.

730 WHO (2023). The crucial role of cultural mediators in Romania’s Ukrainian refugee response.

731 Chisinau Research Workshops 1–2 March 2023.

732 See Section 2.6 of this report for details of online platforms established.

733 European bank of Reconstruction and Development (2023). EBRD Business Guide, accessed 29 March 2023.

734 Romania Insider (2023). Jobs for Ukraine: 9,000 users active on recruitment platform launched in Romania for Ukrainian refugees

735 Romania Insider (2023). Jobs for Ukraine: 9,000 users active on recruitment platform launched in Romania for Ukrainian refugees

736 Bucharest research workshop 15–16 February 2023. Lack of employment options or knowledge of employment options, as well as language barriers, were also identified as two of the top reasons for livelihood challenges by REACH/UNHCR survey respondents. UNHCR REACH (2022). Multi-sector needs assessment Romania December 2022

737 Reuters (2022). Russia denounced Moldova’s ban of TV channels as ‘Political Censorship, accessed 28 March 2023

738 Veridica (2023). FAKE NEWS: The government in Chisinau bans Russian press at the behest of the West, accessed 29 March 2023.

739 International Alert (2020). Business and peace Dossier: It takes two to tango, accessed 29 March 2023; International Alert (2019). Consolidating peace through inclusive access to livelihoods in Nepal, accessed 28 March 2023; International Alert (2022).

Mobilising the Private Sector for Peace: The role of private sector actors in peace and conflict dynamics in Kenya and Somalia A peace and conflict analysis, accessed 29 March 2023; and International Alert (n.d.). Practice note 2: Integrating conflict analysis into peace-conducive economic development programming, accessed 28 March 2023.

740 International Alert (2020). Business and peace Dossier: It takes two to tango, accessed 29 March 2023; International Alert (2019). Consolidating peace through inclusive access to livelihoods in Nepal, accessed 28 March 2023; International Alert (2022). Mobilising the Private Sector for Peace: The role of private sector actors in peace and conflict dynamics in Kenya and Somalia A peace and conflict analysis, accessed 29 March 2023; and International Alert (n.d.). Practice note 2: Integrating conflict analysis into peace-conducive economic development programming, accessed 28 March 2023.

741 E.g., Newman and Christensen (2021). Doing it Right, but Getting it Wrong; Bizri, R. (2017). Refugee Entrepreneurship: A Social Capital Perspective; Meister & Mauer (2019). Understanding refugee entrepreneurship incubation – an embeddedness perspective. Fong et al. (2007). Pathways to self-sufficiency: Successful entrepreneurship for refugees

742 European Commission (2018). Policy Guide on Entrepreneurship for Migrants and Refugees, accessed 2 April 2023.

743 CzechInvest (2022). CzechInvest and partners launch the Jobs4ua.cz platform for employing Ukrainian workers, accessed 5 April 2023; SylversFollow, E., and Papachristou, L. (2022). From Pizzerias to Tech Startups, Ukrainian Refugees Trickle Into Europe’s Labor Market

744 E.g., Brodock and Massam (2016). How and Why to Hire a Diverse Workforce: What You Need to Know; Rosenzweig, P. (1998). Managing the New Global Workforce: Fostering Diversity, Forging Consistency; Ely, R.J., and Thomas, D.A. (2020). Getting Serious About Diversity. Moon, K.K., and Christensen, R.K. (2020). Realizing the performance benefits of workforce diversity in the US federal government: The moderating role of diversity climate

745 E.g., Brunow, S. and Brenzel, H. (2012). The effect of a culturally diverse labour supply on regional income in the EU. Shaban, A, and Khan, S. (2022). Cultural diversity, human capital, and regional economic growth in India.

746 Council of Europe (2022). European Qualifications Passport for Refugees (EQPR) supports Ukrainian refugees’ access to job market in Europe

747 European Investment Bank (2023). EIB and Czech Republic take steps to mitigate the impact of the Ukraine war, accessed 5 April 2023.

748 World Bank (2022). The World Bank in Moldova, accessed 28 March 2023.

749 International Alert (2020). Business and peace Dossier: It takes two to tango, accessed 29 March 2023.; International Alert (2019). Consolidating peace through inclusive access to livelihoods in Nepal, accessed 28 March 2023; International Alert (2022). Mobilising the Private Sector for Peace: The role of private sector actors in peace and conflict dynamics in Kenya and Somalia A peace and conflict analysis, accessed 29 March 2023.; and International Alert (n.d.). Practice note 2: Integrating conflict analysis into peace-conducive economic development programming, accessed 28 March 2023.

750 Where an individual is paid a certain amount for a job done but the wages per hour or day might be very low, often below minimum wage, if the contracts are drawn up in an exploitative manner and the refugees are not aware of how long a task is likely to take.

751 Chisinau research workshop 1 March 2023; Prague research workshop 1–2 February 2023; Bratislava workshop 7–8 March 2023.

752 For example, through community dialogues, as discussed below.

753 Cramer, C., Goodhand, J., and Morris, R. (2016). Evidence Synthesis: What interventions have been effective in preventing or mitigating armed violence in developing and middle-income countries? London: Department for International Development, accessed 29 March 2023.

754 Cramer, C., Goodhand, J., and Morris, R. (2016). Rapid Evidence Assessment for Conflict Prevention, accessed 28 March 202.3

755 Bolton, L. (2020). Lessons from conflict resolution interventions, accessed 29 March 2023.; Cramer, C., Goodhand, J., and Morris, R. (2016). Rapid Evidence Assessment for Conflict Prevention, accessed 28 March 2023.

756 Bolton, L. (2020). Lessons from conflict resolution interventions, accessed 29 March 2023.; Cramer, C., Goodhand, J., and Morris, R. (2016). Rapid Evidence Assessment for Conflict Prevention, accessed 28 March 2023.

757 Bolton, L. (2020). Lessons from conflict resolution interventions, accessed 29 March 2023.; Cramer, C., Goodhand, J., and Morris, R. (2016). Rapid Evidence Assessment for Conflict Prevention, accessed 28 March 2023.

758 Cramer, C., Goodhand, J., and Morris, R. (2016). Rapid Evidence Assessment for Conflict Prevention, accessed 28 March 2023.

759 Cramer, C., Goodhand, J., and Morris, R. (2016). Rapid Evidence Assessment for Conflict Prevention, accessed 28 March 2023.

760 Pennycook, G., Cannon, T. D., and Rand, D.G. (2018). Prior exposure increases perceived accuracy of fake news. Journal of Experimental Psychology.

761 UNESCO (2020). A future we can all live with: how education can address and eradicate racism; Brookings Institute (2022).

Learning to live together: how education can help fight systemic racism

762 Warsaw research workshop 9 February 2023.

763 OECD (2021). Twenty-first century readers: developing literacy skills in a digital world

764 European Commission (2022). Commission steps up action to tackle disinformation and promote digital literacy among young people