Publication | Survey

Public Opinion in Tajikistan 2010: Findings from an IFES Survey

In anticipation of Tajikistan's February 28th Parliamentary and local elections, the International Foundation for Electoral Systems, the world’s premiere election assistance and democracy promotion nonprofit, has released the results of Public Opinion in Tajikistan 2010: Findings from an IFES Survey.

The poll gives insight into Tajikistanis' political knowledge and their intentions on participating in the electoral process; issues of greatest concern to them (employment, economic growth, fighting poverty and corruption); and their overall assessment of the state of their country. It also sheds light into  their views of the different political parties, democracy, and Islam as a state doctrine — telling data about this country lodged between the Islamic world, China, other Central Asian states, and highly dependent on and influenced by the Russian Federation.

This survey, the third national poll conducted by IFES in Tajikistan, also provides information about respondents’ perspectives on the economy, citizens’ rights and responsibilities, and the standing of women.

Read the Results from this Survey »

A final report will be issued at the end of February.

For more information, please contact Laura Osio, press officer, at [email protected].