Join Us! The 2024 U.S. Election Program

**Registration is now open! Register now – space is limited!** 

people gathered at usep 2016


Please complete this form and submit payment to register for the 2024 U.S. Election Program. 

U.S. Election Program Registration

We invite you to participate in our 2024 U.S. Election Program, to take place Sunday, November 3, through Wednesday, November 6, 2024 in Washington, D.C., USA. The program will feature… 

  • An engaging conference agenda filled with election insights from top U.S. government officials, an exciting election night watch party to take in the results in real-time, and a post-election analysis featuring reactions from leading Washington political insiders.    

  • The Election Day polling tour, which will take participants to polling stations in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia to see Americans casting their ballots and witness American democracy in action!  

  • Multiple networking opportunities for participants to build relationships with election experts, administrators, and democracy supporters from around the world – one of the largest gatherings of its kind.  

On November 5, 2024, Americans will cast ballots for president and vice president, and to determine who will control the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate. Thirteen state and territorial governorships and numerous other state and local elections will also be at stake. 

Since 1992, IFES has convened global partners in Washington, D.C. to observe and learn about the U.S. Presidential Elections firsthand. This flagship event brings together election officials and thought leaders from around the world to observe and learn about the U.S. electoral system, and discuss elections and voting from comparative perspectives. The 2016 U.S. Election Program (our last in-person program) featured 550 participants from 90 countries. 

Event Logistics 

The event venue is the Marriott Marquis, in Washington, D.C., USA. 

The official working language of the USEP is English. Simultaneous interpretation will be available upon request in Arabic, French, Spanish, and American Sign Language. Program materials will also be translated into Arabic, French, and Spanish. 

Registration and Other Costs 

Registration for the 2024 U.S. Election Program is now open; space is limited. The deadline for registration and hotel booking is October 4.

The fee for registration is $1,895, which includes conference attendance, some meals (for example, breakfast and lunch), translation, the election watch night party, and a dedicated guide and transportation to polling stations on Election Day. Participants are responsible for covering the cost of their travel to the venue, lodging, and registration fees. Lodging at a discounted rate of $193 per night will be available at the venue (click here to book; space is limited!).   


IFES works with sponsors to develop unique partnerships that align with your brand and marketing goals. Please contact [email protected] for more information about U.S. Election Program sponsorship opportunities. 


Registration Terms and Conditions   

If you are registering from a country outside of the United States, we only accept credit card as form of payment.   

Attendee Cancellations 
Cancellations must be submitted by e-mail to [email protected]. IFES will provide a 50% refund on cancellations received in writing by October 6, 2024 only. Cancellation requests received after October 6, 2024, will not be entitled to a refund. 

International Attendees Requiring Visas 
If you will be traveling from another country to attend the U.S. Election Program, you will need a visa to enter the United States. Should an international attendee be unable to obtain a visa, IFES will refund the full amount of the U.S. Election Program registration fee.