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Election Material
Civic Education Material
Elections for Secondary School Students
“Elections for Secondary School Students” is a booklet published in 1992 that presents Canadian secondary school students with information regarding the democratic process in Canada. Included in the booklet are sections on Québec’s political system, citizen participation in the electoral process as well as a guide to holding elections in secondary school. There is also a French version of the document included.
Election Material
Trinidad and Tobago Parliamentary Ballot 1991
Ballot used in the 16 December 1991 general election in Trinidad and Tobago. This sample ballot lists the candidates, their address, and their employment. The main parties in the elections were the People's National Movement, the United National Congress, and the National Alliance for Reconstruction.
Election Material
Election and Political Party Law
Law on Political Rights (Politische Rechte)
Law on Political Rights (Politische Rechte)
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Faites votre histoire en Theatre!
“Faites votre histoire en Theatre!” is a pamphlet from 1991, available in French, made in joint production by the National Assembly, the Director General of Elections in Quebec and the Minister of Education in Quebec, that provides plans for theatre activities to celebrate the 200 year anniversary of the Parliamentary Institutions in Quebec, coming up in 1992. The pamphlet is aimed at middle and high school students in the hope that this ‘historic theatre’ activity will raise awareness of the government system in Quebec.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Representation in the Federal Parliament
“Representation in the Federal Parliament” is a Canadian booklet that was published in 1986, an off year for federal elections. The booklet’s object was to describe the “principal of representation” and how the “electoral districts' boundaries are determined and periodically adjusted.” The literature is broken into two sections, the first section discusses the various adjustments to the representation of the ten provinces and two territories of Canada; the second section describes the readjustment process of the electoral districts' boundaries. There are French and English language versions of the booklet.
Election Material
Election and Political Party Law
Laws on Local Authorities and Municipal Elections (Urnenabstimmungen in Gemeninden Proporzverordnung Landratswahlgesetz Gemeindegesetz Zusammenarbeit Der Kommunalen Gewalten)
Laws on Local Authorities and Municipal Elections (Urnenabstimmungen in Gemeninden Proporzverordnung Landratswahlgesetz Gemeindegesetz Zusammenarbeit Der Kommunalen Gewalten)
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Your Returning Officer
“Your Returning Officer” is a 1991 leaflet, available in both English and French copies, with the objective of educating readers on the role and importance of the Returning Officer – the election worker who organizes the election in each district. The document, published by Elections Canada, emphasizes the importance of the returning officer and his duties during Canadian Federal Elections.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Important Considerations for Prospective Candidates
“Important Considerations for Prospective Candidates” was published in 1991 with the intended goal of educating the Canadian public on the nomination procedure and public duties of menembers of and candidates for parliament. The piece also touches on campaign finance, candidate eligibility and the overall nomination procedure. This document was released in 1991 year in which there were many local and municipal elections throughout Canada. A copy of the document in French is also included.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Shaping Canada's Future Together
“Shaping Canada’s Future Together,” is a 1991 booklet that made proposed changes to the Canadian Constitution, by considering it in a contemporary light. The changes included three proposals: “Shared citizenship and diversity,” “responsive institutions for a modern Canada” and “preparing for a more prosperous future.” There is also a French version of the document provided.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Batir ensemble l'avenir du Canada: Propositions
“Bâtir Ensemble l’Avenir du Canada: Propositions” is a report produced by the Ministry of Supplies and Services in Canada, available in French, which explains the unique Canadian identity and its support to democracy and also provides some suggestions on how the government can better serve its citizens. The document, published in 1991, also touches on government services and public goods.