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Election Material
Civic Education Material
Electoral Board Procedure Manual
The “Electoral Board Procedure Manual” is a 2003 publication of the Republic of Macedonia’s State Election Commission. The document dissects the role of the election board, as well as the procedures, including the physical assistance of voters, that will take place on the pre election and election days. The manual was published in May of 2004, almost a year before the Macedonian presidential elections that were held on April 14 and 24 of 2004.
Election Material
Election and Political Party Law
Macedonian Election Laws
Macedonian Election Laws
Macedonia Final Report, May 2000-March 2002
This report summarizes IFES programming in Macedonia under the Europe and Eurasia Cooperative Agreement beginning with the 2000 pre-election technical assessment and concluding with initial 2002 parliamentary election preparations. Since April 2002, all IFES programming in Macedonia has been conducted under the CEPPS 2 funding mechanism and is covered in separate reports to USAID.
May 31, 2002