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Public Opinion in Tajikistan: 1996
This first IFES-sponsored survey in Tajikistan analyzes the opinion environment in the country – the views of the public on political and economic developments, independence, government, civil society and organizations, and information sources. Findings are based on the IFES nationwide opinion survey fielded in Tajikistan from November to December 1996. The Executive Summary consists of major findings providing an overview of the survey data. The Appendix includes the full question text and the marginal results in tabular form. The IFES-sponsored survey was fielded in Tajikistan between November 25 and December 13, 1996. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with a sample of 1,500 adults (18 years and older); the sample was of a stratified random probability design (the margin of error is ±2.5% for this kind of sample). Fieldwork and data processing were conducted by the Sharq Sociological Center of Dushanbe. QEV Analytics, a Washington-based research firm, developed the weights and conducted the tabulations. The design of the sample and the weighting ensured that respondents represent the adult national population of Tajikistan and, therefore, the findings accurately reflect the opinions and attitudes of the public in Tajikistan.
December 31, 1996
Election Material
Election and Political Party Law
Chapter 2:01 Electoral Act - Revised Edition 1996
Chapter 2:01 Electoral Act - Revised Edition 1996
Election Material
War Veterans Act, Chapter 11:15
The War Veterans Act provides for the establishment of provisions of assistance for Zimbabwean war veterans and their dependents. Included in this measure, are the establishment of a fund to finance the assistance, in addition to a constitution and creation of the War Veterans Board.
Election Material
Benin Legislative Election Party Flyers 1995 #9
Two party flyers from the 28 March 1995 legislative elections in Benin. Parties represented include the Union pour la Liberte et le Developpement (ULD) and the Alliance MSUP-UDRN.
Election Material
Benin Legislative Election Party Flyers 1995 #5
Three party flyers from the 28 March 1995 legislative elections. Parties represented include the Alliance UDES-RDD Nassara, FURD-LDD, and the Notre Cause Commune.
Election Material
Benin Legislative Election Party Flyers 1995 #3
A series of three party flyers from the 28 March 1995 Benin Legislative elections. Parties represented in these flyers are the Union pour la Democratie et la Solidarite Nationale (UDS), FARD-ALAFIA, and the Rassemblement pour le Democratie et le Panafricanisme (RDP).
Election Material
Benin Legislative Election Party Flyers 1995 #4
A series of three flyers for political parties and alliances participating in the 28 March 1995 Legislative elections in Benin. Parties and alliances represented are the RDL Vivoten, Alliance "RNPJ-PS," and the Alliance Cameleon.
Election Material
Benin Legislative Election Party Flyers 1995 #1
A series of three campaign flyers for the legislative elections held in Benin on 28 March 1995. The flyers show the Union Nationale pour la Democratie et le Progres (UNDP), the Rassemblement National pour la Democratie (RND), and the Front D'Action pour le Renouveau, la Democratie et le Developpement (FARD-ALAFIA).
Election Material
Benin Legislative Election Party Flyers 1995 #8
Three party flyers from the 28 March 1995 legislative elections in Benin. Parties represented are the Union de Democratique des Forces du Progres (UDFP), Notre Cause Commune (NCC), and the Liste pour une Republique Democratique Independante et Moderne (RDIM).
Election Material
Benin Legislative Election Party Flyers 1995 #2
Party flyers for the Benin Legislative elections held on 28 March 2012. The parties shown in these flyers are the FDDM-UNSP, the Alliance pour la Social-Democratie (ASD), and the UTD et PNT.