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Election Material
Civic Education Material
Practicas electorales entre los estudiantes
”Electoral Practices among Students” is an electoral exercise article, part of the Civic-Electoral Culture Program in Chile, available in Spanish. The document was issued in 1989 and it describes student electoral exercises while including examples of these. Through these electoral practices among students the coordinators of the program are trying to emphasize the role of the voting process in any elections and to stimulate participation of the future eligible voters.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Que es la democracia?
“What is Democracy?” is a Civic Education Discussion Guide, available in Spanish, issued in 1989 by PARTICIPA, Chile in lead up to the December 14, 1989 Chilean Presidential Election. The guide describes in details the characteristics of democracy, offering to the reader a thorough description of its main values and features. Additionally, the guide contains a set of interactive activities that contain questions about democracy.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Voz y voto: y como puedo ayudar a construirla?
“Voice and the Vote: and How Can I Help Build it?” is a civic education brochure, available in Spanish, issued by the PARTICIPA Corporation of private law, Chile. The brochure is meant to encourage people to follow certain steps in promoting the values of democracy in Chile, starting within the family unit and extending it to the larger society. Additionally, the brochure presents the advantages of having a democratic society and why should people strive to achieve it.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Inscritos por Region
“Registered Voters by Region” is a voter registration record issued in 1988 and referring to the number of registered voters in the 1988 Chilean National Plebiscite. This particular document is comprised of tables illustrating the voter registration records by regions for both men and women. Additionally, it illustrates the statistics of foreigners and analphabets who reside in those particular regions, as well as the number of canceled registrations by region and by cause.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Inscripcion En Registro Electoral mes a mes
“Month by Month Registration in the Electoral Register” is a voter registration record, available in Spanish, which illustrates the number of voters who registered for the 1988 National Plebiscite in Chile. The chart and the graph depict the voter registration month by month and it is divided into both women’s and men’s voter registration.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Unidos Construyamos la cadena por la paz
“United we Will Build the Chain of Peace” is a poster, available in Spanish, issued in 1988 by the Crusade for the Citizens’ Participation, in lead up to the September 25, 1988 National Plebiscite in Chile. The poster advertises the travelling awareness campaign.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Civic Education Organization Charts for Cruzada
“Civic Education Organization Charts for Cruzada”is a Civic Education organization chart, available in Spanish, issued in 1988 by the Crusade for Citizenships’ Participation (“Cruzada”), Chile, as a follow-up of the 1988 Chilean Plebiscite. The document is comprised of several charts indicating the reach/influence of the “Cruzada” Organization.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Cruzada por la Participacion Ciudadana
“Crusade for the Citizens’ Participation” is a civic education program brochure, available in Spanish, issued in 1988 by the CIVITAS Foundation and the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights, Chile. The brochure describes the “Crusade for the Citizens’ Participation” project identity and objectives, some of these involving the promotion of democracy among the Chilean society by encouraging voter education.