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Election Observation Final Report
This report summarizes IFES’ mission to Mexico for the 1994 presidential, legislative and state elections. The report concludes that the elections were conducted in a peaceful and transparent fashion, however, there is room for improvement in the arena of voting efficiency. The report details suggested improvements to the Mexican voting system.
August 31, 1994
Election Material
Election and Political Party Law
Federal Code of Electoral Institutions and Procedures
Federal Code of Electoral Institutions and Procedures
Election Material
Election and Political Party Law
Comision Electoral Del Estado
Comision Electoral Del Estado
Primera Conferencia Annual Sobre Sistemas Electorales Norteamericanos: 6, 7 y 8 de abril de 1994
February 28, 1994
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Con Juego Limpio
“Mexico can Still Win With Fair Game” is an informative booklet, available in Spanish, issued in 1994 by the “Citizens’ Movement for Democracy” group in Mexico, in lead up to the August 21, 1994 Mexican Federal Election. The booklet encourages citizen participation in elections and conscientiousness so there may be no fraud and corruption involved. Additionally, the booklet describes voter qualifications and voting procedures.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
El Instituto Federal Electoral Naturaleza estructura y funciones
“The Federal Electoral Institute: Its Nature, Structure and Functions” is an instructor’s manual, available in Spanish, published in 1994 by the Federal Electoral Institute in Mexico. The manual is a guide for instruction on the Federal Electoral Institute: it nature, structure, and functions.
Election Material
Election and Political Party Law
Codigo Federal de Instituciones y Procedimientos Electorales
Codigo Federal de Instituciones y Procedimientos Electorales
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Integracion de las mesas directivas de casilla
“The Integration of Polling Stations” is an instructive manual, available in Spanish, issued in 1994 by the Federal Electoral Institute in Mexico, and intended to serve as a guide for the directive table officials. The manual explains the administrative structure and function of the polling place directive tables and the responsibilities of its officials. Additionally, it includes a list of the electoral crimes, committed by the electoral officials, punishable by the Penal Code.