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Kenya’s Campus Ambassadors Help Get out the Youth Ahead of August Polls
IFES Kenya is providing grants to youth-based organizations whose focus is encouraging greater and more meaningful youth participation in Kenya’s electoral process. The campus-based initiatives hinge on engaging youth through peer-to-peer advocacy led by fellow youth known as Campus Ambassadors. For more information, watch the videos in this post and let our Campus Ambassadors get you excited about the importance of elections and peaceful participation in Kenya.
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V-Engage: Voter Messaging Competition 2017
The V-Engage challenge is a flagship activity to support the voter education efforts of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), encourage youth participation in the electoral process and to encourage choices that will shape our communities.
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Modernizing Civic and Voter Education in Liberia
By modernizing civic and voter education methods in Liberia, IFES and the National Elections Commission are breaking historic barriers to voter participation – namely illiteracy and inadequate access to information. As the critical October elections near, IFES hopes these new approaches to civic and voter education are reflected through voter participation in this significant post-conflict milestone.
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Encouraging Women to Vote in Côte d'Ivoire
On October 16, 2015, N'Gboado, a local civil society organization partnering with the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), created and performed a theater play in Yopougon, a commune of Abidjan where post-election violence broke out in 2010.
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Post-Election Q&A: Côte d’Ivoire’s 2015 Presidential Elections
In this post-election Q&A, IFES Côte d’Ivoire Chief of Party Sophie Lagueny discusses the importance of the 2015 elections for Côte d’Ivoire, IFES’ activities in the country in the lead up to the vote and the post-election atmosphere.
DRC Civic Education Impact Evaluation
Civic education programs proliferated in the past few decades based on a strong belief that successful democratic consolidations require a strong and independent civil society that can mobilize and inform citizens who can then engage more effectively in politics, advocate on behalf of their own interests and hold their leaders accountable. Do these civic education programs really work? Are individuals exposed to these programs more likely to attain basic political knowledge, embrace democratic values, and engage more effectively in electoral and political processes?
June 25, 2015
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Civic Education for Free and Fair Elections in Burundi
Already marred by political tensions that have their roots in the 12-year civil war that ended in 2005 under the authority of the Arusha Peace and Reconciliation Agreement for Burundi, the 2015 elections will likely be a historic turning point, for better or worse, in Burundi’s democratic transition.
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Empowering Tomorrow through Youth Engagement
IFES works to empower youth around the world by hosting democracy-focused camps, events, and activities. By educating young people about democracy, we enable them to express themselves and have a voice in their communities.
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Learning by Gaming: Democrapoli
Within its civic and voter education campaigns in anticipation of the Malian communal elections, the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), in collaboration with the Nigerien NGO Groupe de Recherche Action sur la Démocratie et les Systèmes Electoraux (GRADSEL), has developed an educational game called Democrapoli: Elections Communales Mali (Communal Elections Mali).
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Technology, Transparency & Integrity in Kenya
The use of election technology to ensure integrity and/or enhance transparency in the electoral process can be tremendously effective. Indeed, election administrators have long utilized technology to help address some of their most pressing challenges, including everything from voter registration and candidate nomination to voter identification and results transmission.