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Iraq Holds Key Election in Development of Democracy
On April 20, 2013, Iraqi citizens went to the polls to elect representatives to replace the governorate councils elected in 2009. Governorate councils rule their provinces with broad powers and carry significant weight within Iraq's political structure. IFES Chief of Party Anna Wiktorowska answers some questions about Election Day and what this poll means to Iraq's democracy.
Election FAQ
Elections in Iraq: April 20 Governorate Council Elections
Despite the ongoing and escalating political violence, on April 20, Iraqi citizens will elect their representatives to Governorate (Provincial) Councils. These elections will be a good test-run for parliamentary elections scheduled in 2014. IFES' frequently asked questions (FAQs) on Elections in Iraq: April 20 Governorate Council Elections goes into detail and provides the context in which the elections will take place.
News & Updates
CEDAW Anniversary: Mainstreaming Women's Engagement in Iraq
As with most of the countries in the Middle East, Iraq is a religiously conservative and patriarchal society. Women in Iraq are affected by exclusion from different levels of decision-making roles in their communities due to societal traditions and norms. IFES Program Associate Amy Chin, Program Officer Amr Abdallah and Deputy Chief of Party in Iraq Vassia Stoilov talk about IFES' work with women in Iraq.
News & Updates
Elections for All: Empowering the Underrepresented
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights guarantees all individuals the freedom to partake in their nation’s government and political processes, including elections. Yet, many individuals around the world face barriers to full participation due to social, ethnic and economic inequalities. IFES’ programs empower these underrepresented populations to participate in political life in a variety of ways. This photo gallery provides some examples of our work in this area.
News & Updates
Capacity Building to Election Security: Clearing the Path for Citizen Participation
Samia Mahgoub, IFES' chief of party in Burundi from 2009 to 2011, has worked on various aspects of the electoral process-from election management body training to election security to voter registration-throughout the Middle East and Africa.
News & Updates
Before and After the Arab Spring
In this second podcast celebrating IFES' silver anniversary, Michael Svetlik, IFES Vice President of Programs, talks about the Middle East and North Africa region's quest for democracy.
Amatora mu Mahoro: Système de monitoring des principes démocratiques et de prévention de la violence électorale 5
Le Projet Amatora Mu Mahoro est une initiative commune d’une dizaine organisations nationales et internationales dont l’objet était le monitoring des principes démocratiques et la prévention de la violence électorale.
September 12, 2010
Amatora mu Mahoro: Système de monitoring des principes démocratiques et de prévention de la violence électorale 4
Le quatrième rapport Amatora Mu Mahoro (AMM), présente une analyse des incidents et des indicateurs de violence électorale, ainsi que des initiatives de paix, survenus sur l’ensemble du territoire burundais pendant la période du 5 juillet au 15 août 2010.
August 15, 2010
Amatora mu Mahoro: Système de monitoring des principes démocratiques et de prévention de la violence électorale 3e
Le troisième rapport Amatora Mu Mahoro (AMM), présente une analyse des incidents et des indicateurs de violence électorale, ainsi que des initiatives de paix, survenus sur l’ensemble du territoire du Burundi pendant la période du 31 mai au 4 juillet 2010. L’analyse faite des données fournies par les Points focaux du projet AMM permet de conclure que la fréquence des incidents dans les provinces a diminué, passant de 262 cas d’incidents répertoriés dans le second rapport (période du 26 avril – 30 mai) à 180 pour le présent rapport.
July 04, 2010