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Election Material
Civic Education Material
Local Government Elections 1994
“Local Government Elections 1994” is a pamphlet containing reference material regarding the history, structure, and responsibilities of Guyanese local government. Also provided is a list of neighborhood district councils and towns as well as brief descriptions of local democratic organizations.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
How to Vote at 1994 Local Government Elections
“How to Vote at 1994 Local Government Elections” provides illustrated boxes containing step-by-step instructions as to how to vote in the 1994 Guyana local elections. Also provided are the powers of the soon-to-be elected local Council in order to educate Guyanese voters as to what they are voting on and the abilities of their local government. This article also repeatedly encourages the Guyanese people to participate in voting.
Election Material
Election and Political Party Law
Proposal to Adopt An Act to Amend The Act on Election and Recall of Representatives and Councillors
Proposal to Adopt An Act to Amend The Act on Election and Recall of Representatives and Councillors
Final Report, Guyana Election Assistance Project, October 1990 to November 1992
This report serves as a summary of IFES’ role in the development of the Guyanese electoral process for the October 1992 national elections. IFES technical support for these elections included the provision of electoral materials, helping with the logistics of the election and civic education.
January 31, 1993
Election Material
Australia (Victoria) House of Representatives Ballot 1992
General elections were held in Australia on 11 April 1992. This ballot was used for elections to the House of Representatives in Wills, Victoria, Australia. Voting was done through preferential vote.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Directions For Voting
This document entitled “Directions for Voting” provides the complete legislation regarding voting instructions for Guyana and is provided by S.G. Singh, Chief Election Officer. This act is officially known as the Representation of the People Act.