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Electoral Assessment
Djibouti: 2005 Pre-Election Assessment Report
In March and April 2005, a four-person team from IRI and IFES sought to evaluate the election environment in Djibouti, meeting with representatives of political parties, civil society groups, media, other international organizations, and relevant government bodies. Through these interviews and observations, the team examined voter registration and election administration processes, as well as the presence and level of external electoral assistance.
March 22, 2006
Election Material
Civic Education Material
The exercise of the franchise in Trinidad and Tobago (1946-present)
“The Exercise of the Franchise in Trinidad and Tobago (1946-present)” is a September 1993 manual published by Trinidad and Tobago’s Elections and Boundaries Commission. The manual seeks to educate the public in Trinidad and Tobago as to the full meaning of and scope of the voting “Franchise.” The document provides a historical perspective with a timeline chronicling the development of democratic systems and the “Franchise” in Trinidad and Tobago.
Election Material
Trinidad and Tobago Parliamentary Ballot 1991
Ballot used in the 16 December 1991 general election in Trinidad and Tobago. This sample ballot lists the candidates, their address, and their employment. The main parties in the elections were the People's National Movement, the United National Congress, and the National Alliance for Reconstruction.
Election Material
Election and Political Party Law
Representation of The People Act Chapter 2:01
Representation of The People Act Chapter 2:01
Election Material
Election and Political Party Law
The Legislative Assembly Act
The Legislative Assembly Act