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Election Official Training in Bangladesh: Project Overview and Recommendations
This report details the IFES Election Official Training Assistance Project undertaken in October and November 1995. The document focuses on the technical assistance and commodities support to the Secretariat in support of its newly established Electoral Training Institute. The report details the multi-tiered project which helped prepare the Training Institute for election officials throughout Bangladesh. The discussion turns to the preparation of manuals, the development of an Election Official Pledge and Code of Conduct and details the intricacies of IFES work in assisting in Bangladeshi elections.
June 30, 1996
Bangladesh Pre-Election Technical Assessment (January-February 1995) for the Sixth Parliamentary Elections projected for Winter 1995-96
This 1995 report evaluates Bangladesh's administrative systems for the delivery of electoral services such as constituency delimitation, voter identification and registration, balloting and election administration, poll worker training, vote tabulation, voter education, campaign practices, and media and civic participation prior to parliamentary elections. The report continues by identifying feasible areas for short-term technical assistance in anticipation of the parliamentary elections and provides a framework for public and private-funded assistance projects. Lastly, the report recommends longer term improvements to Bangladesh's election process as well as concrete actions which could be taken by USAlD and the NGO community in strengthening democratic institutions.
February 29, 1996
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Connaissez vos Droits
“Connaissez vos droits” is a booklet from 1996, available in French, with the objective of providing support to human rights NGOs in Guinea by informing citizens of their rights. The document, published by the Guinean Organization for the Defense of Human Rights, is made up of images and different sections that explain the right to a fair trial, what an illegal detention is, and the rights of a prisoner in Guinea.
Election Observation Report of the Elections to the House of Representatives, Republic of Croatia, 29 October 1995
This report was completed in 1995, shortly after the adoption of new electoral laws in Croatia. IFES election observers arrived to monitor the October 1995 Parliamentary elections. IFES concerns about the new election laws and the manner in which they were adopted along with the consequences of their adoption are discussed in the report. The report also provides a break down and explanation of electoral laws in Croatia.
November 30, 1995
Republic in Transition: 1995 Elections in Tanzania and Zanzibar, IFES Observation Report
The goal of the report is to make a positive contribution to both the domestic and international audiences' understanding of the Zanzibar and Tanzania elections, so that a more accurate evaluation can be made of the fairness and legitimacy of the 1995 electoral process, and so that procedural problems and systemic weaknesses can be identified for correction in future multiparty elections in Tanzania.
November 30, 1995
Election Material
Tanzania Parliamentary Ballot 1995 #2
Two ballots used in the Parliamentary elections held in Tanzania on 29 October 1995. The main parties in the first round of the election were the Chama Cha Mapinduzi and the National Convention for Construction and Reform - Mageuzi.
Election Material
Tanzania Presidential Ballot 1995 #1
Document showing the English translation of the 29 October 1995 ballot used for general elections in Tanzania. The 1995 general election was the first in Tanzania since the lifting of the ban on political parties other than the Chama Cha Mapiduzi.
Election Material
Tanzania Ballots 1995
Collection of ballots from the 1995 general election in Tanzania. The 1995 election marked the first multi-party elections in Tanzania. The first ballot was for the Presidential election, where the main candidates were Benjamin MKAPA and Augustine MREMA. The following two ballots are for National Assembly elections.
Election Material
Tanzania Paliamentary Ballot 1995
Sample Parliamentary ballot used for the 29 October 1995 general election in Tanzania. The ballot listed the candidate, their party, and a photo.
Election Material
Election and Political Party Law
Constitution of Zanzibar 1984
Constitution of Zanzibar 1984