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Toward Credible and Legitimate Elections in Kenya: Recommendations for Action
This report summarizes IFES efforts to reform Kenya’s voter registration procedures prior to the 1997 general elections.
March 31, 1996
Election Material
Puerto Rico Status Ballot 1993
Ballot used in the 14 November 1993 referendum in Puerto Rico regarding the status of the island. Voters had the option to vote for continued commonwealth status, statehood in the United States, or independence.
Election Material
Election and Political Party Law
Law on Plebiscite on the Political Status
Law on Plebiscite on the Political Status
Election Material
Puerto Rico Municipal Ballot 1992
Ballot used in municipal elections in Carolina, Puerto Rico on 3 November 1992. The main parties constesting the election were the Partido Popular Democratico, the Partido Nuevo Progresista, and the Partido Independentista Puertorriqueno. Voters had the option to vote for an entire party list, a mix of candidates, or to nominate write-in candidates.
A Pre-Election Assessment and Budget Analysis, July 3-10, 1992
This pre-election assessment and budget analysis reports on IFES findings in Kenya. The report discusses the preliminary findings, legal framework, role of the electoral commission and ballots. Additionally, the report details civic education and budgetary tools.
July 31, 1992
Election Material
Election and Political Party Law
Electoral Law - Puerto Rico
Electoral Law - Puerto Rico
Election Material
Constitution of The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
Constitution of The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, as enacted in 1952.
Election Material
Puerto Rico Federal Relations Act of 1950
Puerto Rico Federal Relations Act of 1950, as passed by the United States Congress.
Election Material
1938 Amendments to The Jones Act
Amendments to the Jones-Shaforth Act, originally passed by the United States Congress in March 1917.