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Young Womens Leadership Conference, May 9-11 2002
This report discusses IFES findings from the Young Women’s Leadership Conference where students received training through interactive activities designed to promote understanding of gender equality issues, leadership, and a woman's role in a democratic society.
May 31, 2002
2001 IFES Survey in Kyrgyzstan
The purpose of this survey was to analyze the views of the Kyrgyzstani public on political and economic developments, public institutions performance, media, elections, civil society, democracy and human rights, and to gauge any shifts in the opinion environment since the 1996 International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES) public opinion survey. A similar public opinion poll was also implemented by IFES in 1995. The results of these surveys have been used by IFES and other international assistance organizations to design programs for voter information, civic education and civil society development. Feedback from the surveys has proved to be useful when shaping such IFES’ activities as its civic education course, civil society development programs and technical elections assistance. Currently, IFES is piloting its civics textbook and course in schools throughout Kyrgyzstan, with all materials available in Kyrgyz, Uzbek and Russian. It also encourages greater student activism in the community/school and greater political efficacy and involvement in representative governance through programs like Student Action Committees (SACs), Student Local Government Days (SLGDs), Democracy Summer Camps, and University Student Elections Assistance. In addition, IFES, in close coordination with USAID and the U.S. Embassy, continues to monitor ongoing electoral reform efforts in Kyrgyzstan and provides necessary technical elections assistance. IFES is confident that the data from this 2001 survey will prove integral to the development of these ongoing programs. This report’s findings are based on the IFES nationwide opinion survey fielded in Kyrgyzstan between July 27 and August 17, 2001. The survey was conducted with a sample of 1,600 respondents, including an oversample of 100 interviews with young adults aged 18-25. The data file has been weighted to be nationally representative by region, age, and gender. The margin of error for a sample of 1,600 respondents is plus/minus 2.4%. All interviews were conducted face-to-face at a respondent’s home. The Executive Summary of the survey provides an overview of the survey data and its major findings in all of the categories of questions, while the body of the survey analysis focuses on individual categories in greater detail and discusses the data in terms of their meaning. The presentation of the survey results, organized thematically, reports opinions on the following subjects: • Information and Major Media Sources • Overall Situation and the Economy • Political Interest, Efficacy, and Knowledge • Democracy and Human Rights • Institutional Performance, Confidence and Corruption • Elections and Civic Society
April 30, 2002
Election Material
Civic Education Material
“Demo Memory” is an informative leaflet, available in Spanish, believed to be issued in 2002 by the Electoral Institute of the Federal District of Mexico and intended to explain to the Mexican youth the implications of democracy-related concepts. Additionally, the leaflet contains a glossary and an adaptation of the “MEMORAMA” game.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Contienda Electoral : El Financiamiento como reto para la Democracia
“Electoral Contests: Funding as a Challenge for Democracy” is an informative bulletin, available in both Spanish and English, published in 2002 by the “Elecciones Mexico” newsletter in Mexico. The bulletin includes articles on the financing of the political parties, funding as a challenge for democracy, transparent funding of political campaigns, the legitimacy of the Canadian federal electoral financing and articles on money and politics in Latin America and Great Britain .
Annex to IFES, Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Final Project Report (Oct 1, 1997-Dec 31, 2001): Election Dispute Adjudication Manual, Feb 2000
February 28, 2001
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Electoral Management Bodies as Institutions of Governance
“Electoral Management Bodies as Institutions of Governance,” is the lead article from the November 2000- April 2001 edition of “Elecciones Mexico.” The piece discusses the new process of electoral management as a new tool of the electoral and democratic processes. Specifcally, the work of the International Foundation for Electoral Systems’ (IFES) in this field is highlighted. This edition of the publication also contains an article on electronic vote counting.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Valores Y Practicas Democraticas en la Nueva Gestion Publica
“Democratic Values and Practices in the New Public Management” is a flyer, available in Spanish, believed to be issued in 2001 by the Federal Electoral Institute and the National Institute of Public Administration in Mexico. The flyer advertizes a course in democratic values and practices in the new public conduct.
Governance, Citizenship and Participation: The Role of a Kyrgyz Citizen in the 21st Century Pilot Edition Part I
This report was designed to increase the knowledge of governance, citizenship and participation for secondary schools in the Kyrgyz Republic. The report, using diagrams and educational techniques, teaches students the importance of good governance, human rights and the origins of the state.
December 31, 2000
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Federal Electoral Process
“Federal Election Process” was published in March of 2000 by the Instituto Federal Electoral (IFE) in preparation for the Mexican general election on July 2nd 2000. This extensive booklet provides an overview of the aims of the IFE, the structure of the Mexican electoral process, and procedures necessary to participate in the elections. Also included are sections regarding political parties and campaign financing to further educate the Mexican public.
A Reference and Training Manual for the Resolution of Election Disputes in the Kyrgyz Republic
This document is a training manual for the resolution of election disputes in Kyrgyzstan. The manual includes a how to use the manual section and a variety of complaints that arise in elections, ranging from election outcomes, to complaints against the vote counting process.
January 31, 2000