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News & Updates
IFES President and CEO On Technology in Elections
In August, the Instituto Federal Electoral (IFE), the Mexican elections commission, hosted a four-day conference to explore key electoral topics, including challenges in the administration and organization of elections; political and media rights in elections; and access to electoral justice. The conference brought together election experts, practitioners and academics from all over the world as well as government officials. The event took place in Morelia, Mexico.
News & Updates
IFES Presents Report to the Mexican Electoral Institute
IFES presents the report Implementation of the Electoral Reform 2007/2008 from an International Comparative Perspective to the IFE, Mexico's electoral institute, and national and international media.
News & Updates
Out-of-country Voting Guide: Mexico 2006
Mexicans living abroad were allowed to vote for the first time in the 2006 election
Election Material
Election and Political Party Law
Electoral Code - Togo 1905
Electoral Code - Togo 1905
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Programa Estrategico de Educacion Civica 2005-2010
“Strategic Program of Education” is a civic education program description book, available in Spanish, issued in 2005 by the Federal Electoral Institute in Mexico. The book describes the theory of the civic education program and its contextual framework. The program defines the principles and the objectives to be achieved for the realization of the educational politics program, throughout the period of 2005-2010, that would encourage and promote the civic participation of all Mexican people.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
“Demo Memory” is an informative leaflet, available in Spanish, believed to be issued in 2002 by the Electoral Institute of the Federal District of Mexico and intended to explain to the Mexican youth the implications of democracy-related concepts. Additionally, the leaflet contains a glossary and an adaptation of the “MEMORAMA” game.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Contienda Electoral : El Financiamiento como reto para la Democracia
“Electoral Contests: Funding as a Challenge for Democracy” is an informative bulletin, available in both Spanish and English, published in 2002 by the “Elecciones Mexico” newsletter in Mexico. The bulletin includes articles on the financing of the political parties, funding as a challenge for democracy, transparent funding of political campaigns, the legitimacy of the Canadian federal electoral financing and articles on money and politics in Latin America and Great Britain .