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Election Material
Civic Education Material
Delitos Electorales: Cuales son los delitos electorales federales en que pueden incurrir los funcionarios electorales?
Election Material
Civic Education Material
“Vote” is an election flyer, available in Spanish, issued in 2000 by the Federal Electoral Institute in Mexico, in lead up to the July 2, 2000 Mexican General Elections. The flyer is intended to stimulate people to get informed on voting and vote in the upcoming elections
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Consejo Electoral del Estado de Jalisco
“The Electoral Council of the State of Jalisco” is an informative brochure, available in Spanish, published in 2000 by the Electoral Council of the State of Jalisco in Mexico in lead up to the July 2, 2000 Mexican General Elections. The brochure describes the structure of the Electoral Council of Jalisco and its objectives.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Cuales son los delitos electorales federales en que puede incurrir cualquier persona?
“What are the Federal Electoral Crimes that Anyone Could commit?” is an electoral law brochure, available in Spanish, published in 2000 by the FEPADE (Specialized Prosecutor’s Office for Electoral Crimes) in Mexico, in lead up to the July 2, 2000 Mexican General Election. The brochure identifies the federal electoral crimes that anyone could commit, as well as it describes the attributions of FEPADE in regards to the electoral crimes mentioned in the brochure.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Cuales son los delitos electorales federales en que pueden incurrir los funcionarios electorales?
“What are the Federal Electoral Crimes that the Electoral Officials Could Commit?” is an electoral law brochure, available in Spanish, published in 2000 by the FEPADE (Specialized Prosecutor’s Office for Electoral Crimes) in Mexico, in lead up to the July 2, 2000 Mexican General Election. The brochure describes the origins and attributions of FEPADE and it identifies the federal election crimes incurrable by the electoral officials.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Cuales son los delitos electorales federales en que pueden incurrir los funcionarios partidistas y los candidatos?
“What are the Federal Electoral Crimes that Could be Committed by the Party Officials and Candidates?” is an electoral law brochure, available in Spanish, published in 2000 by the Federal Electoral Institute and FEPADE (Specialized Prosecutor’s Office for Electoral Crimes) in Mexico, in lead up to the July 2, 2000 Mexican General Election. The brochure identifies the federal election crimes that could be committed by party officials and/or candidates.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Cuales son los delitos electorales Federales en que Pueden Incurrir los Ministros de Cultos Religiosos?
“What are the Federal Electoral Crimes that the Ministers of Religious Cults Could Commit?” is an electoral law brochure, available in Spanish, published in 2000 by the FEPADE (Specialized Prosecutor’s Office for Electoral Crimes) in Mexico, in lead up to the July 2, 2000 Mexican General Election. The brochure describes the origins and attributions of FEPADE and it identifies the federal election crimes incurrable by the religious leaders.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Cuales son los delitos electorales federales en que pueden incurrir los Servidores Publicos
“What are the Federal Electoral Crimes that Could be Committed by the Public Officials?” is an informative booklet, available in Spanish, issued in 2000 by the Federal Electoral Institute and FEPADE (Specialized Prosecutor’s Office for Electoral Crimes) in Mexico, in lead up to July 2, 2000 Mexican General Elections. The guide explains the election crimes incurrable by public officials and the laws that enforce sanctions on the federal electoral crimes.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Por que son Diferentes las Eleccions Federales y Locales?
“Why are the Federal Elections Different from the Local ones?” is an informative brochure, available in Spanish, issued in 2000 by the Federal Electoral Institute in Mexico, in lead up to the July 2, 2000 Mexican General Elections. The brochure discusses the differences between Federal and Local Elections.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Por quien Votaremos el 2 de julio del 2000
“For Who Will we Vote on July 2, 2000” is an informative brochure, available in Spanish issued in 2000 by the Federal Electoral Institute in Mexico, in lead up to the July 2, 2000 Mexican General Elections. The brochure describes the groups for which citizens will vote on July 2, 2000: President, Senate and deputies. Additionally, the brochure highlights the importance of voting.