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Election Material
Election and Political Party Law
Parliamentary Election Law (Timor Leste)
Timor Leste - Parliamentary Election Law
Election Material
Election and Political Party Law
Presidential Election Law (Timor Leste)
Timor Leste - Presidential Election Law
Election Material
Election and Political Party Law
Election Administration Law (Timor Leste)
Timor Leste - Election Administration Law
Proyecto de Estudio Comparado Sobre las Reformas al Sistema de Registro Civil e Identificación de las Personas en: Colombia, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panamá
The report compiles and compares the different ways that Colombia, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Panamá have reformed their civil registries and processes for collecting voter information. The original purpose of the report was to gather, summarize and distribute objective and comparative information to spark discussion and debate among government officials including civil registrars, civil society and all other stakeholders interested Civil Registry reform in Nicaragua. The report examines the different structures of civil registry bodies in the countries studied. In addition, it includes summaries that explain the repercussions of reforms enacted by individual countries and analyzes proposed reform efforts. In the case of Nicaragua, the document includes preliminary information about civil registry reforms that were in process when the report was written. El informe compila y compara diversas reformas efectuadas en los registros civiles en Colombia, El Salvador, Panamá y Nicaragua. Este reporte fue desarrollado con el esfuerzo de recopilar, resumir y proveer información objetiva y comparativa en lo que es el inicio de la discusión y el debate nacional entre funcionarios gubernamentales y registradores civiles, sociedad civil y todos aquellos entes involucrados en el proceso de reforma del registro civil de Nicaragua. El informe también considera diferencias entre los registros civiles de los países estudiados e incluye un resumen por cada país que indica las repercusiones de las reformas y otros temas no previstos durante el proceso. En el caso de Nicaragua, el documento incluye elementos contextuales que se han llevado a cabo al momento de realizar el estudio.
January 31, 2007
East Timor Candidate List Analysis
This graphic analysis from IFES’ Mauricio Claudio Lopez-Rivera examines the geographic diversity of each party’s candidate list and the number of voters in each district.
December 31, 2006
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Guia paso a paso
“Guide: Step by Step” is an electoral handbook, available in Spanish, issued in 2006 by the Supreme Electoral Council in Nicaragua in lead up to the November 5, 2006 Nicaraguan General Elections. The handbook is supposed to instruct the polling station officials about their responsibilities before and during the elections and to serve as guidance through the voting procedures. Additionally, the guide contains examples of the documents needed by the polling station officials when following the required voting procedures.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Constitucion Politica de la Republica de Nicaragua
“The Political Constitution of the Republic of Nicaragua” is the official publication of the Constitution of the Republic of Nicaragua, available in Spanish, issued in 2003 by the Secretariat of Legal Affairs of the Presidency of Nicaragua. The text of the constitution embodies the approved reforms of 2000. The constitution consists of 11 articles, some of them incorporating matters of national defense, general principles, Nicaraguan nationality, Education and Culture, and the structure of the state institutions.
Election Material
Civic Education Material
Taking Count of East Timor
“Taking Count of East Timor” explains the civil registration process including voter registration rules and regulations, the importance of voting, and when and where to vote. This pamphlet is provided by the East Timor Transitional Administration.
Election Material
East Timor Referendum Ballot 1999
Ballot used in the 1999 independence referendum held in the then-Indonesian province of East Timor. Voters were asked if they accepted the proposed special autonomy for East Timor within Indonesia, or whether they rejected the proposal, leading to East Timor's seperation from Indonesia.