Gender-sensitive indicators for early warning of violence and conflict


Gender-Sensitive Indicators for Early Warning of Violence and Conflict

Annex A: Literature Review

The literature review analyzed more than 60 documents, as well as the key takeaways from consultations with key gender, data collection, and early warning experts to inform this global framework.

Annex B: Nigeria Pilot Full Report

This report provides additional detail on the pilot implementation, where IFES and KDI tested five gender-sensitive indicators in nine Nigerian states as part an existing electoral violence monitoring project.

Annex C: List of Experts Consulted

This document includes a full list of experts consulted throughout this project.

Annex D: Training Materials for Nigeria Pilot

The training materials provide an example of some of the content that can be used to train local monitors for data collection on gender-sensitive indicators.

Annex E: Inventory of Existing Gender-Sensitive Indicators

To accompany the literature review, IFES compiled an extensive inventory of more than 300 gender-sensitive indicators that had been previously included or suggested for inclusion in early warning systems.